Monday, October 13, 2008

Fencing 3: The Gating

Monday; Columbus Day. Today's the day I created the gate. This task is a great deal harder than it appears. The reason; angles. Wood really likes 90-degree angles. Anything else, and it kind of blows.

In the morning, I created an A-frame. Then I ate pizza. Then I put a few boards on. Then I ate fruit and nut mix. Then I realized that I purchased the incorrect hinges, and so I had to head to ACE Hardware for some other hinges. Then I came back and proceeded to hang the gate. The last step was to try to cut off the little extra bit of board so that the gate fits within its opening.

I'd be finished right now but for the saw. It ran out of the electron juice, and so the battery is currently charging. Two hours lapse, I'll be out there sawing the crap out of the side of that gate. Finally, the lock, and it's Miller Time! Well, Sam Adams Time, but that doesn't quite sound the same.

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