Monday, February 23, 2009


Do you like first person shooters? If so, then I have three words for you; Left 4 Dead. OK, so that was two words and a number, but you get the idea. It fills a nice empty space in my brain; the space that wants to shoot zombies in a party-like atmosphere with my friends.

The premise for the game is interesting, but it's really not necessary. After all, the only action in the game, really, is shooting zombies. It bears mentioning anyway, though. You and three friends (or you and friends and AI) are actors in a movie. There are initially four movies in which you can participate. In each move, you have to get from the beginning, which is an area that is infested with zombies, to the save point, which is where other survivors pick you up and remove you from the area.

As for the rest of this weekend, it was also full of games. Forrest was down, and so we played Smash Brothers Brawl pretty much every second we had down time. Another game to just wail on stuff.

The main purpose of the weekend, though, was Friday night; the Jonathan Coulton concert. It was pretty much awesome. Paul and Storm opened for him. The venue, the Birchmere, just makes the experience more awesome. It's a dinner theater-style place. The food is too expensive, but the atmosphere makes up for it.

I miss the gamer part of me. It's been so long. Forrest is really the only person who brings it out in me, too. Playing solo just isn't as fun. Computers can either be too challenging or not challenging enough, but you can always feel the algorithm in whichever way they swing. Humans are algorithmless thus far. It makes things more interesting...

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