Monday, January 31, 2011

Ideas for the Olympics

So I definitely had an idea for the Olympics.  I was sitting with some people, talking about downhill skiing, and one person mentioned that the announcer for downhill skiing was like a broken record, effectively stating the same thing for each skier.  So, I tried to think of ways that could make viewing it more entertaining.

My answer is to have the Olympics on several different channels simultaneously, showing the same thing.  Each channel, however, should have a different announcing theme or other graphic.  One channel could be the straight-up Olympics.  That should be left alone as always.

The rest of the channels are where things get interesting.  One channel should be announced by the over-dubbers who do MXC in the style of MXC.  Or, the MST3K guys?  Either/or?

One should have each of the skiers emitting the TRON-style light cycle trails.

One should have the skiers being chased by CGI monsters?  Crash?  Mauled by a monster.

Another should have cut scenes for people firing weapons.  Classic example would be a cut scene to James Earl Jones firing the snake from Conan the Barbarian, followed by a skier falling.

So that's the idea.  Overlays to make it more interesting for the people who want it to be. :-)

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