Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Adventures in Brewing, Part 2

I successfully transferred the beer to the carboy... I think. Only time will tell. Siphoning beer from bucket to carboy turns out to be a tricky endeavor. Gravity is a great help. I believe (or I was told at one point) that air is not. I'm not sure I kept the air from the beer. However, all the rest is well. The beer is being dry-hopped, and it's in the carboy, and there are few particulates as far as I could tell.

It appears to be a tasty beer, too! I love pumpkin. It's potent, which makes me happy. I think, if it survives the next ten days, that it will be quite nice. I have ten days to prepare for part three, the bottling (with the priming sugar!).

And, for the sake of fun, an update on Amanda's cats. Lucy and Pinstripe are alive and well, and VERY well fed since I was the one doing the feeding today instead of Mandy.

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