Friday, December 26, 2008


A day or two ago, an interesting thing began happening. The Girl's car decided to randomly start making a grinding noise similar to one you might hear if you decided to draw and quarter a robot. My brother being awesome, he figured out what the problem was at about 11:30 PM last night. I had missed it. He saw that a length of rope got wrapped around the car's transaxle. After winding about a bit, it got sufficiently tangled and collapsed the CV boot that protects the joint where the wheel assembly meets the transaxle. So, my brother and I were up until 2 AM taking the wheel off the car and cutting the friggin' rope away with a small collapsible knife.

What's more fun, of course, is that the car still makes the noise. Apparently, the noise began when the boot collapsed. So the teeth of the gear at the end of the transaxle are hitting the collapsed CV boot. Humor being what it is, the boot is just a plastic covering. However, to replace it, I think the entire wheel assembly has to be taken apart. I expect that this will be expensive...

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