Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Few Links

There are some interesting things going on. Briefly, a kid gets hit by a meteorite and a company named Riversimple is releasing an open source car.

The story of the kid is pretty interesting. Apparently, a meteorite traveling about 30,000 mph hit the kid's hand and left a three-inch scar. He's lucky to be alive. That's a really cool story to be able to tell people, though. the meteorite then embedded itself a foot into the ground, resonating a large boom prior to upon impact. Wow. That's some serious precision for you.

Second, a company called Riversimple is going to release the design for a car under an open source license. How cool is that? It's a strange deal, though. If you lease the car for twenty years, you get free gas for the entire life of the lease. A strange idea! I wonder whether it will work.

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